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Requirements to publication

Dear Colleagues,

  You are welcome to publish your articles in the professional journal "Economics and Region."


The academic journal "Economics and Region" accepts for publication original articles written specifically to be published in it, that had never been published anywhere before. The articles published in the journal "Economics and Region," are under review of Ukrainian academic journal “Jerelo” (“Source”).


Required elements of the article:

• UDC;

• the title;

• authors’ surnames (indicating academic rank, academic degree, educational or research institution);

• main text of the article.


Main text of the article, in accordance with the requirements of HAC of Ukraine (see. Decree of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine of 15.01.2003,No. 7-05 / 1 [HAC of Ukraine Bulletin No. 1, 2003]) should contain the following elements:

- Introduction:general statement of the problem and its connection with important research and practical tasks;

- Review of the recent research and publications sources, wherethe problem’s solution is under consideration (it is recommended to refer primarily to the latest publications in professional journals);

- Task statement (formulation of the purpose and methods of the problem studyconsidered in the article);

- Basic material and results (the main research material presentation and complete explanation of the research results obtained);

- Conclusions (scientific innovation, scientificand practical value of the research results, prospects for further research in this field);

- References (from 8 sources and more, first of all, journal articles that are referred to by the author in the review of recent research and publications sources). Meanwhile, please pay attention to compliance with bibliography requirements according to the national standard DSTUGOST State Standard 7.1: 2006 " Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and cataloging rules. "


Abstracts must be obligatory submitted in Ukrainian, Russian and English (the text must be identical, the meanlengthis 500 printed characters). The abstract structure: surname, full name of the author (in case ofseveral authors, thesame must be indicated for each author); academic degree, position, academic institution; title of the article; descriptionof the main subject, problems, research goals, summarized results; keywords (words from the text of the article, which are meaningful in terms of information search,are served in the nominative case; the total amount is at least three and not more than ten).




UDC 369,013

Ivanova Iryna M., PhD, AssociateProfessor of the Finance, Banking and Public Administration Department. Yuriy Kondratiuk Poltava National Technical University. Current state and thedevelopment prospects of the pension system in Ukraine. The problems of reforming the national pension system are under consideration. The necessity of implementing the second level of the pension system as a guarantor of its financial independence is substantiated. The prospects ofimplementingthe obligatory defined contribution pension system are determined.

Keywords: pension system, retirement insurance, the second level of the system, obligatory defined contribution pension system.


The article annex:

the author’s affiliation (information about the author): surname, first name, father’s name (in full); academic rank, academic degree; position, place of employment; contact address and phone numbers, e-mail; address, a copy of the magazine should be sent to; the article’stitle; thematic section;

review bya Doctor of Economics with a recommendation for publication (for articles written by postgraduates, degree-seeking applicants, PhDs);

English version of the article, which, according to the MONU (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine)Order No. 1111  of 17.10.12, will be placedat the edition’s webpage (the requirement is mandatory for all specialized publications in Ukraine) and which is submitted after the article acceptance for publication is confirmed.

Some technical requirements for manuscripts registration:

Articles should be submitted in rtf file format ofWord for Windows in non-archived form on CD (CD-RW) in amount of 1 copy or on a flexible 1,44 Mb disc in 2 copies, obligatory printed (in duplicate) on standard A4 sheets of paper in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 3772-98 "Originals for printing. General technical requirements ", namely: the text should be typed on one side of a sheet with 1.5line spacing, point size 14, margins of 2.5 cm on every side.

Language: Ukrainian, Russian or English. Published in the original language.

Tables should be done in Excel or Word without color filling. Each table should be printed with the appropriate title and numbering. Table width must not exceed 15.5 cm.

Figures made in Word, should be grouped and represent a single graphic object. All illustrations should be submitted in black and white or grayscale color. Dashed graphic objects, charts, diagrams are performed in WMF or TIFF format. Illustrationsare included (without OLE-connection, each illustration is asingle object) into the article’s text after the first reference to it. Width of any illustration should not exceed 15.5 cm.

Formulas should be made in the formula editor (Equation 3.0 or Math Type) using Latin or Greek letters. Each formula is typed as a single object (full - 14 pt; subscript / superscript - 11 pt; symbol - 120%).

The recommendedlength of the article is 10-12 pages.

The manuscript should be carefully checked and signed by all authors.

Articles that do not meet the above requirements are not accepted for publication.


Manuscripts are subject to additional review by the Editorial Board members. The article can be returned for upgrading. The final decision on the publication of the article is taken by the Editorial Board of the journal.

The rejected original is not returned.

Payment is only made after the article acceptance for publication is confirmed. The cost of one page is 41 UAH.

Materials are sent by ordinary postal mail to the address:

Yuriy Kondratiuk Poltava National Technical University

Research Centre, room. 320-F,

Pershotravnevyi Avenue, 24

Poltava, 36011, Ukraine

Contact: Olena D. Levchenko.

Phone. (05322) 29 875; E-mail:

University website:

Payment details:

A/c  31258206209727,

DKSU in Poltava Region,

MFO 820172, code 02071100 (for publication of article in E&R, author’s name).

Payment purpose code 25010200



Please be sure to call or contact via e-mail to verify the article’s receipt and itsacceptance for publication.



Thanks for your cooperation!


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